What is an Attendance Machine & How Does it Work?

An attendance machine is a device used to track the attendance of employees and students of different organizations. Various organizations like education institutes, healthcare, and office can use this machine. This machine has reduced absenteeism by up to 40% over the past three years in so many industries. For example, in education, they can help with improving teachers’ engagement with students

Establish an Attendance Machine

Why This is The Most Lucrative Time to Establish an Attendance Machine

Whether you have two or twenty employees, documenting minutes worked and time away from work helps in wage compliance while potentially offering helpful information about performance and productivity. There’s no reason not to have a system in place that assists your payroll team in doing their work more efficiently, rather than depending on imprecise human monitoring methods.

It is also a cost-effective solution for companies to reduce the number of manual processes. Biometric attendance machine price in Bangladesh is under the price range for everyone. The main reason why this time is the most lucrative to install an attendance machine is that it has become more and more difficult for companies to manage employee attendance manually.

This machine has created a need for automated solutions that can be used in different industries and sectors such as education, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, etc. The Attendance Machine will benefit businesses by eliminating manual processes such as paper-based forms and reducing human errors.

What are The Major Advantages of Using Attendance Machine?

The attendance machine can detect facial features and scan ID cards. Then, the device compares the data to the attendance list of the current day. If there is a match, it will display your name on the screen and allow you to enter the building. Significant advantages of using Attendance Machine are:


The machine uses facial detection technology to identify students by scanning their faces. This makes it easy to determine who is present in a room and who has already left.


The machine can also automatically scan IDs, so students do not have to stand in line at the door or wait for someone else to do it for them.

Attendance Machine With Card
Classroom or Business Office

A typical Day With Attendance Machine Your Classroom or Business Office

The attendance machine software uses facial detection to detect who is present in the room and then assigns them a point value for their attendance. The software also has other features such as a calendar, notes, and an alert system. It can be used in both school classrooms and offices. This machine is best suited for schools with large students or employees and where attendance is difficult to track manually.

Start Automating Your Business With Our Attendance Machines Today!

Attendance machine is quickly becoming essential for any business to maintain a competitive edge. At ZAMAN IT, Our product provides businesses like yours with high-quality attendance machine solutions for automation. Contact us now to know the price of our products. The time attendance machine price in Bangladesh is much more affordable. Moreover, our team members will take a short time to install the machine. Most of the time, attendance machines take a short time to install, but sometimes it will depend on the wiring of the building.

Attendance Machine Push Finger

Attendance Machine Price in Bangladesh

  • Fingerprint Capacity 1000
  • ID Card Capacity 1000 (Optional)
  • Record Capacity 100,000
  • Display 2.8-Inch TFT Screen
CALL: 01973009007 FOR PRICE
  • Less than 1 second user recognition
  • Stores 3000 fingerprint templates and 30,000 transactions
  • Reads fingerprint and/or RFID cards.
  • Built-in Serial and Ethernet ports
CALL: 01973009007 FOR PRICE
  • 4.3-inch color display
  • Face Capacity 3000
  • Card Capacity 10000
  • Fingerprint Capacity 4000
CALL: 01973009007 FOR PRICE
  • Face capacity: 1,200 (1:N)
  • Fingerprint capacity: 2000
  • ID Card capacity: 10,000 (optional)
  • Logs capacity: 100,000
CALL: 01973009007 FOR PRICE

Additional Cost:


Accessories Cost


Delivery Cost

200 Taka(Inside Dhaka City), 500 Taka(Dhaka Division), 1000 Taka(Outside Dhaka) 

Cable Cost

40 Taka per meter

Install Cost(Technician Cost) per camera

1500 Taka in Dhaka City, 2000 Taka in Dhaka Division, 3000 Taka(Outside Dhaka)

Payment System Voice SMS

Payment Procedure

  • 100% payment during delivery(Package price+Accessories Cost+Delivery Cost)
  • Installation cost and additional cable cost will pay after complete the project
  • All prices are excluding vat and tax.

Terms & Condition

  • We will provide a product warranty for only one year on camera, DVR/XVR, hard disk & monitor.*
  • For any services under product warranty period, technician visiting fee 1000 taka(Dhaka City). Product servicing/replacement will be free.
  • For any services after the warranty period, technician visiting fee 1000 taka(Dhaka City). Product servicing/replacement will cost regular product price.
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