Best Pharmacy Management Software in Bangladesh

PharmEase is a comprehensive pharmacy management software designed to revolutionize the way pharmacies operate. With advanced features such as inventory management, prescription tracking, customer profiles, and seamless integration with electronic health records (EHR), PharmEase empowers pharmacists to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. Say goodbye to paperwork hassles and hello to a smarter, more organized pharmacy with PharmEase.

All Product Pharmacy
Application Features
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Pharmacy Products Sales Range




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Store Configuration

Store Configuration



Unlimited User

Unlimited User

Pharmacy Software Repost


  • Sales Report: You will get a day, month & year wise sales report with stock, vat and profit information.
  • Categories Report: You can check how many products are in your stock category-wise.
  • Customers Report: You can check which customers take how much product with price by date wise.
  • Pharmaceuticals company Report: You can see the Pharmaceuticals company list & their medicine here.
  • Items Report: You can see the stock report and sales report here date-wise.
  • Employees Report: You can check which employees sell how much & deal with which customers.
  • Taxes Report: You can see all tax reports here.
  • Discounts Report: You can see how much discount you provide to your clients and the full summary report.
  • Payments Report: You can see all payment details date-wise.

Efficient Pharmacy Management Software for Seamless Operations

ZAMAN IT brings you the best Pharmacy Management Software in Bangladesh, designed to streamline daily operations, ensure accuracy in inventory management, and enhance customer satisfaction. From automated billing and prescription management to real-time inventory tracking and compliance with industry regulations, this software is essential for modern pharmacies. Manage sales, purchases, and customer records efficiently to minimize errors and boost profitability.

Efficient Pharmacy Management
Software Development Tools


ZAMAN IT’s Pharmacy Management Software, developed using PHP and MySQL with the CodeIgniter framework, offers efficient pharmacy management.

  • Language: PHP
  • Database: MySQL
  • Framework: CI
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Bootstrap


ZAMAN IT’s Pharmacy Management Software includes server cost, ongoing support, and maintenance in the price, ensuring a hassle-free, reliable solution for your pharmacy with full technical assistance and updates.

  • Server Cost
  • Support Cost
  • Maintenance Cost
Pharmacy Management
Pharmacy Software Training


ZAMAN IT offers free initial training for the Pharmacy Management Software. Additional training costs 2,000 taka at ZAMAN IT or 5,000 taka at the client’s office for on-site sessions.

  • 1st training: Free
  • 2nd training & others: 2000 taka(In Zaman IT), 5000 taka(In clients office)
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